Petitions Page

Prayer Request:  We ask for prayers for Ramiro Rodriguez. He is the father of a coworker of mine. He is in the hospital in a very serious condition. He needs open heart surgery but they have not been able to operate on him because he has had other complications.
Date: January 8th, 2025
Author:  Judith Herrera
Answered Prayer:  Not  Answered
Prayer Request:  A mi padre el Hno. Manuel Martínez le detectaron una masa de cancer, va a empezar chemo. Que Dios obré en su vida y haga todo completo. El se encuentra una vez más en el hospital internado.
Date: April 25, 2024
Author:  Manny Martinez
Answered Prayer:  Not  Answered
Comments: (Latest update) Jan 28, 2025- Surgery was a success, his lab results came back and he will not need additional chemotherapy since the cancer was removed completely. He is in recovery for the next month.hopefully faster than that.